Publicaciones internationales y nacionales con tesistas
1. Martínez Guerrero, J.H., Wehenkel, C., Silva Flores, R., Jorge Manuel Mejia Bojorquez, J. M., Corral Rivas, J.J. (2010): Is there a relationship between climate factors and genetic diversity in Picea chihuahuana Martínez? C. Kleinn & L. Fehrmann (eds.) en Forests in climate change research and policy: The role of forest management and conservation in a complex international setting: pp. 70-77.
2. Calleros Flores, E., Wehenkel, C., Corral Rivas, J.J. (2010): Porcentaje de corteza y su relación con la edad y la altura relativa de Pinus durangensis M. en la región de El Salto, Durango, México. En Congreso nacional de ingenieria y arquitectura 2010, Morelia, Michoacan, México.
3. Silva-Flores, R., Hernández-Diaz, P.; Corral-Rivas, J.J., Wehenkel, C., Vargas-Larreta, B. (2010): Species-specific abundance, tree diversity and its relationship to climate factors in mixed and unevenaged forests of Durango, Mexico. C. Kleinn & L. Fehrmann (eds.) en Forests in climate change research and policy: The role of forest management and conservation in a complex international setting: pp. 63-69.
4. Martínez G., J. H, Wehenkel, C., Corral Rivas, J.J., Pereda Solís, M. (2011): Asociación del Ammodramus bairdii A. 1844, y otras especies de aves granivoras de pastizal, en epoca invernal en Cuchillas de la Zarca. Revista AGROFAZ 11(1): aceptado.
5. Martínez G., J. H., Wehenkel, C., Panjabi, A., Pereda S., M., Corral-Rivas, J.J., Díaz Moreno, R., y Hernández, J. C. (2011): Abundancia y distribución de Ammodramus bairdii, en la región de Cuchillas de la Zarca. Huitzil (Journal of Mexican Ornithology) (ISSN: 1870-7454) 12 (1): 9-14.
6. Wehenkel, C., Martínez-Guerrero, J.H., Pinedo-Alvarez, A., Artemio Carrillo, A. (2011): Adaptive genetic differentiation in Picea chihuahuana M. caused by different copper concentrations in the top soil. Forstarchiv, aceptado.
7. Martínez G., J. H., Wehenkel, C., Panjabi, A., Pereda S., M., Corral-Rivas, J.J. (2010): Measuring associations between granivorous grassland bird species and between the bird species and winter habitat in northwestern Mexico. Research Journal of Biological Sciences 5(11): 713-721.
8. Martínez G., J.H., Wehenkel, C., Pereda Solís, M.E., Panjabi, A., Levandoski, G., Corral Rivas, J.J., Díaz Moreno, R. (2011): Relationship between Ammodramus bairdii, Audubuon, 1844, and attributes of winter vegetation in northwest of Mexico. Agrociencia. Aceptado.
9. Martínez-Antúnez, P., Wehenkel, C., Hernández-Díaz, J. C., Gonzáles-Elizondo, M., Corral-Rivas, J.J., and Pinero-Álvarez, A. (2012): Effect of climate and physiography on the density of tree and shrub species in Northwest Mexico. Polish Journal Ecology (ISSN: 1505-2249, IF2011: 0.52), aceptado.
10. Quiñones, C.Z., Wehenkel, C., Saenz-Romero, C. (2012): Genotype-Tree Species Interactions in Neighbourhoods in Forest Tree Communities Include Picea chihuahuana Martínez. aceptado.
11. Silva-Flores, R., Wehenkel, C. (2012): Relationship between diversity of tree species and climatic factors in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. enviado.
12. Sánchez-Arroyo, J.F., Wehenkel, C., Carrete-Carreón, F. O., Quero-Carrillo, A. (2012): Establishment of Grass Banderita (Bouteloua curtipendula) Through by Transplant. African Journal of Biotechnolgy. enviado